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The Best exercises to lose weight fast( Exercise for beginners 2020)

The Best exercises to lose weight fast( Exercise for beginners 2020)

For good health, maintaining weight is very important. Weight loss reduces so many diseases like a risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and also lower the risk some of many different cancers following exercise are most useful for weight loss.
Surya namaskar.

   1. Surya namaskar.

The Best exercises to lose weight fast( Exercise for beginners 2020)

Surya namaskar is a basic and famous yoga aasan that is a complete body exercise and gives wonders the result for weight loss. It consists of 12 different possess, including the prayer pose forward bend and the bhujangasana. It also helps you to be active and stress-free the whole day while doing Surya namaskar keep breathing in and out; it helps you lose more weight.

2. walking.

The Best exercises to lose weight fast( Exercise for beginners 2020)

Walking is the best and simple exercise to lose weight every day morning or evening, about 30 minutes walk can burn 150 calories. It also to keep your mind active and stress-free, if you are a beginner then start walking in 3 days a week at least for 15 to 20 minutes then increase your walking time slowly 25 to 45 minutes per day and maximum work six days a week you can listen to music while walking and wear walking shoes.

  3. running.

The Best exercises to lose weight fast( Exercise for beginners 2020)

Running is a very effective exercise for losing weight and fit your body. Run slowly but for longer for Beginner take one running shoes and you can listen music also start running about 15 to 25 minutes 4 day of a week then gradually increase running time 45 to 65 minutes 6th days of a week and also take proper diet it gives your amazing result for your weight loss in your body will fits and slim.

  4. skipping.

The Best exercises to lose weight fast( Exercise for beginners 2020)

Skipping is also an effective exercise for weight loss. This jumping rope will leave you sweating and puffing for Air, which helps in burning fat. Indus exercise the whole body will get fit it like running, and more oxygen required for breathing and increase in stamina, but it takes less time compared to running, you can do at home easily.

5. swimming.

The Best exercises to lose weight fast( Exercise for beginners 2020)

Swimming exercise is a  burn off fat and helps you be stronger, fitter, and healthier. Swimming burns 450 to 650 calories in a 1 hour, this is a highly effective exercise for weight loss and fit your body muscles, of arm, legs, hips, and glutes, this is more effective. You can include in your daily life, and also cane enjoys while Swimming. 

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