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How To Make Your Healthy Lifestyle | Start a Healthy Lifestyle

How To Make Your Healthy Lifestyle

Hello everyone out there, how's it going? In today's article, I want to talk about how to start a healthy lifestyle. I want to go over the basics here, and specifically, I want to cover the seven pillars of good health. About, I want to say six months ago, or a little longer, I made a video on a Beginner's Guide to Healthy Eating, and I've wanted to since then, do a follow-up video on kind of a beginner's guide to healthy living.

So if you're new to leading a healthier lifestyle, then this article is for you. And if not, then I hope that this video serves as a helpful reminder for some beautiful ways that we can lead a healthier lifestyle. So let's get started. 

So pillar number 1 here is water. Hydration. Making sure that we're drinking enough water every single day. The human body is made up of 50-60% water, and it's essential for several different things. For making sure that we can adequately distribute nutrients throughout our body, healthy bowel movements, right, staying hydrated helps to support our digestive function.

Our skin health, our energy levels as well. There are several filters out there that you can get for filtering your water. We use a Brita filter; we use a pitcher that we have in our fridge. So we fill it up with tap water, and then we keep it in our fridge. And that's what we're currently using right now, but there's a Santevia filter, there are the Berkey filters. 

If you can, then definitely look into getting some filters for the water you drink. And a little hack that I have here to share with you that can help you to drink more water each day is to keep a glass of water near you or a water bottle near you, a reusable water bottle ideally. 

I've always found this to be helpful. And this goes for trying to get into other kinds of healthy habits, is if you see it, then you're much more likely to do it or eat it, even having a bowl of fruit on your countertop, or seeing your yoga mat, or your running shoes. Just having them visible is going to make it much easier for you to make use of them. 

So the same goes for water. Number 2 is, of course, nutrition. Everybody is so different when it comes to what diets are best, what foods are best, and I have a whole video on How to Listen to Your Body because that's really what's so important here. I will also leave that video linked below, But what.

I want to talk about here is not over to complicate it. What I mean is eating real, whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. And to cook from scratch as much as you can as well. When you do that, you know exactly what's going into the meals you're making; you're able to choose the ingredients yourself, and you're much more likely to be making or getting more nutrition when you are preparing food from scratch. 

And also something that you want to do here is to get inspired as much as you can. When I think back to over a decade ago when I was embarking on my health journey, one of the books that stand out in my mind that is still one of my favourites to this day, that I believe I have mentioned this book before, is Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the Inside Out. 

I love this book. But just get inspired by, you know, other books that you see, maybe some cookbooks, maybe blogs, and have fun with the foods you'recooking and when you're at the grocery store. The more colourful fruits and veggies that you can throw into your cart or your basket, the better. 

You know that you're on the right track if you're doing that. Pillar number 3 is sleep. You are making sure that we are prioritizing sleep. So, did you know that we spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping? Crazy, right? That's a lot of sleeping. And it's easy for us to feel, like for us to overlook sleep and how important it is. Or perhaps, you know, sometimes it's just harder for us to get a good night's sleep.

You know, maybe we have young kids, perhaps we're having other issues with sleeping. But it is so critical to the overall health of our entire body. And the reason for that is because when we sleep, our cells and our tissues have a chance to regenerate, it's perfect for our cognitive function and our memory for the next day. 

When we're sleeping our mental, kind of our mental, brain's cache is cleared out through the night. It's almost like a cleansing experience for our minds. Some things you can do to get a better night's sleep are to go to bed and wake up at the same time. 

You also want to try and sleep in a dark room and a cold room. And if you're going to, you can even try using some essential oils to help you relax, like lavender is one of my personal favourites. So if you have a diffuser or if you have like a roll-on, you can do that as well. 

I have a few different essential oil roll-ons. But those can help us act on the limbic system in our brains and help us calm down. I do have a whole video up on some sleep tips that I encourage you to check out, and I will leave that linked below. Next up is exercise and just daily movement. And something that I want to have you remember here is that our bodies love change. 

We thrive off of movement. It is what we are designed for. In today's day and age, many of us spend a lot of our time sitting, lying down, you know, being stagnant. And really though our bodies are meant to move in different ways, different paces, different speeds, different you know positions. 

And we feel good when we move, too. Exercise is perfect for our mental health, our mental and emotional well being. It's also perfect for our bone health and our heart health. Even some simple stretching in the morning is ideal for getting your blood going and blood circulating. So really emphasize making sure that you're moving your body every single day. 

I don't care when just whenever and however. And again, if you're kind of new to moving your body more often, don't feel like you have to be doing, you know, an hour-long workout five days a week, absolutely not. Even, honestly, even just ten minutes of a pleasant brisk walk in the morning or after dinner is lovely. 

If we over-exert ourselves, not only can that actually add an added stress onto our body, so it can actually be not so good for us when we're pushing ourselves harder than we need to, but it's also, it can be discouraging because we often feel like it's too hard, we don't enjoy it, we don't want to do this. So, you know, pace yourself. Start slowly, and also find something that you love. 

For example, I started doing ballet almost two years ago, I do that once a week, and I enjoy it. Sometimes there's a bit of trial and error here, and you got to try out some new things, find what you like best. Pillar number 5 of good health is making some swaps to your home and personal care products to lower toxic options. 

What we inhale, what we absorb through our skin daily, can add to our toxic load. There are also several different additive sand preservatives in various products that can be endocrine disruptors. 

Some ingredients that you want to look out for on packaged labels are like parabens and fragrance, which, by the way, fragrance on its own, just the title "fragrance" can contain in and of itself up to 12 ingredients. I would say here, my suggestion is don't feel like you have to make swaps overnight or you have to throw out everything in your cupboards, you know, today. 

Just make some swaps over time, start with the ones you use most often, or be spread all over your body most often. So like lotions, foundation, aluminum-based antiperspirant, those kinds of things. Pillar number 6 is mental health. So, our mental health is just as important as our physical health. 

They, you know, can't be separated. They're very much so intricately connected. We want to manage our stress levels and try to reduce our stress levels as much as we can because stress is one of the biggest culprits for all manner of health conditions. And also just affecting us mentally and emotionally. And even something to consider here too is your mindset and your internal dialogue. 

Our thoughts impact our emotions; our emotions affect our actions. We tend to need to bear in mind of this and do our most excellent to do things like active some self-care the maximum amount as we will, prioritizing activities that ween joy, or talking to an expert or a fan a tendency to trust. 

You know, gap up regarding the items that are on our mind. Even journaling is exceptionally lovely. However, speaking of friendships and relationships, that brings Pine Tree State to our final pillar here of excellent health, which is relationships and community. Therefore have you ever detected of the old saying that"you become just like the five the general public... 

Five most people? Five folks that you pay the first time with. You become just like the five folks that you spend the most time with". That's it. It is an expert quote, and I genuinely feel like I will noticeably relate to it. The folks we tend to surround ourselves with, that we pay the first time with, will extremely form North American nation and influence North American nation. 

Will influence the method that we expect, the choices that we tend to build; however, but we tend to feel, what we tend to believe. Therefore bear in mind the kinds of individuals that you're spending loads of it slow with and the way they're creating you're feeling. If they are lifting you if you're feeling outstanding once you are outlay time with bound folks, or if there are folks in your life, that will transfer you down. 

The relationships, the folks in your life that do cause you to feel expert, check that you are nurturing them, and you prioritize those folks, and you are outlay time with those folks, which is it for today's video. Those are all of the information that I wished to share and the seven pillars of excellent health. 

I hope you enjoyed this video and learned a factor of 2, particularly if you're unaccustomed to the planet of beginning a healthy lifestyle. Leave Pine Tree State a comment below with that one of these you think that that you merely ought to perhaps work on the foremost.

If you've got the other tips to share, I'd like to hear from you. And do not forget to share and comment. As a result of I have every kind of resource there to share with you, too. And that I can see you all terribly, very soon. Bye!

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